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How to import reviews to ReviewXpo?

Product reviews are crucial because they demonstrate the reliability and quality of the goods and services offered by your store with the help of review apps. Customers would most likely prefer to purchase at a store that provides the best service and good deals. 

ReviewXpo enables store owners to import reviews from any previous source using a CSV file in order to preserve the integrity of their store. Please attend to these easy steps to import reviews;‍

Step 1: Export your existing reviews from your previous app.‍

Step 2: From Shopify admin, open your ReviewXpo App and click "Import & Export".

Step 3: Select and upload the CSV file.

Step 4: From the modal window, map the columns in your CSV file with our requirements (Note: Before importing the reviews, Please check If the Product ID/ Product handle and Date Format(YYYY/MM/DD) is correct.

Step 5: Lastly, click “Import”.‍‍

You should exercise caution while mapping the CSV columns, as they may differ according to their source. If the CSV is from Fera, for example, the Product Shopify ID should be mapped with platform_product_id. ‍

For further queries please contact us , we'll always be there to help you!

Updated on: 20/10/2024

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